Wednesday, April 13, 2011


These are but a few of the college stereotypes, are you willing to pick one? Have you decided which one you’d want to choose?
These perceptions are what people create when they look or hear about these different crowds. They immediately label and judge them on all of their flaws and wrong doings. Although there is a little bit of truth in every single stereotype, not everyone in any these stereotypical groups is considered this stereotype.
Take sorority girls for example, yes there are girls who love to have a good time, drink, get down with boys. Only to wake up the next morning thinking, “what the hell happened last night?”. There are ALWAYS going to be those types of girls in sororities. That being said, there are many sorority girls who don’t care about going out and getting crazy. These girls participate for sisterhood, networking, to be involved on campus and to be a part of something long lasting. Within a sorority there are semester dues that girl does pay, however the money collected is used to pay nationals, run the house, fund exchanges or formals and contribute to their philanthropies. Nowhere in their budget does it say, “expenses for becoming friends with all of these girls.” In fact, there are several chapters of the sororities all around the United States,that these women will always be a part of.  In all honesty, who actually talks about those kinds of girls? The girls that don’t get crazy and are there for the good of the sisterhood? I’ve notice that when making movies and TV shows, or simply talking about your college experience going to a GREEK ROW party, no one ever mentions what a wonderful talk they had with a sweet sorority girl.  The reason why is because no one wants to hear the good, non dramatic details of the night. Instead they want the nitty gritty, the gossip, and the foolish mistakes people make. They want to fabricate, and elongate each dirty detail creating a huge drama fest. With a sorority girl not focused on partying, there is no way of doing this.
Nerds vs. Athletes, like I mentioned before yes there is truth to some of the stereotype, although not everyone who likes to read or get good grades is a nerd. Not everyone who plays sports is obnoxiously loud, always pumped up or a douche bag. It takes a handful of people in each group to do something so bad, or be the “real example” of people to play the role of that specific group, to get the whole crowd stereotyped as that specific role.
So when coming to college don’t be ignorant to the people who judge those stereotypes, who are those stereotypes, and who are the innocents. You create the person you want to become. So if the Jack Mormon, frat boy, douche bag athlete is who you want to become, so be it. You will probably be stereotyped as that even if you are in a fraternity, on an athletic team and Mormon. People are going to think what they want of you, its life. But you have the power to believe it and take on that role people do stereo type you as, or be bigger than it and know who you truly are and not listen to them.

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